Hello and a couple of questions

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    Hello all. I’m planning to build a teardrop this spring. I’m putting off ordering the kit to avoid storing it with limited space while it’s still too cold get much done on it. I’ve bought the pdf version of the manual and read through it once. Much is similar ( in building techniques) to the CLC skerry that I built a few years ago. One question though. In assembling the puzzle joints, as far as I can tell, they are only wet out from one side and then taped with fiberglass. I remember glueing those joints on the skerry with thickened epoxy. Has this changed?

    Another question. Would someone be so kind as to give be the outside dimensions of the galley insert? I would like to design my own and this is something I could work on before my kit arrives.

    Thanks all




    I’m just about finished assembling the main panels and ready to move on to the bulkhead. Taping the puzzle joints with unthickened epoxy worked just fine. I assembled the bottom first due to space considerations, and it still used thickened  epoxy for the puzzle joint. It may be due to the thickness of the top panels (only 4mm plywood) that they are filled by the straight epoxy just fine. I had to sand a little bit on Both sides after attaching the two sections of the panels, so it penetrated the thin joints just fine.



    Thank you. That’s helpful. good luck with your build.


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