Contact cement & headliner

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    John said ” just because, we varnished the inside of the shell”, so I did also and was pleased with the results, until. I put the door insulation pieces on my two doors first and was shocked when all the varnish there bubbled up within 10 seconds of me applying the welwood contact cement. Hoped it would work because would be a real mess to clean up so went ahead and pushed the insulation in place. Been two days now and appears ok but why was it suggested to waste all that varnish and time? I believe a water based contact cement is available but avoided it not knowing if very cold and humid conditions would bother it. I used the recommended interlux schooner varnish. Before I do more I would like to hear John’s thoughts on the matter and the waterproof contact cement.
    By the way the suggested door rod lengths were too short on the short shaft but there was enough material left over to flatten two more ends and drill new holes also to a more accurate size.

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