Am I getting close

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    Kind of a dumb question, since I know times vary so much….I just need some light at the end of the tunnel.

    I’m roughly at page 200 on the manual (bottom is glassed)….Chapter 8, doors, hatch, interior awaits.

    AM I HALFWAY yet?  Ha!

    I was judging by pages for a while, but some pages last 2 weeks….and some nights I get through 20 pages, so that isn’t very helpful.

    I tend to work 4 nights a week for 1-2 hours. I was dreaming of an April trip… I starting to wonder if August is too soon.

    I’d love anyone’s insight on the timing to get road ready.

    Thanks, I really appreciate all the great insights on the Forum.  Been super helpful.


    Hi, we finished our camper maybe six weeks ago and have recently returned from 16 days on the road – I recall feeling exactly as you do right now, but believe me it is so worth the effort!  I feel I was working at a similar rate as you, with the occasional gap for a week or two for work commitments, and it took us a year from start to finish. We have not (yet) built the storage unit to go under the camper, have bought the plans and that will be our next project. We had no previous experience, had a few ‘rework’ activities for things we weren’t happy with but have ended up with a camper that we are incredibly happy with. If I could offer one suggestion, try not to rush it and enjoy the journey!  If you are like us, you’ll be learning heaps, and the forum is just absolute gold!  Hope this helps.


    I’m in a similar spot, about to paint the bottom and flip onto the trailer, still working on interior epoxy finish and sanding, sanding, sanding the exterior. I’ve bought my headliner (I’m using 1/2″ thick cork) and varnish and I’m starting to get excited but I don’t have a good sense of how much time is left. So I’m mostly just here to piggyback on your good question!

    I can update as I go along as well. My sense is that things will start to go more quickly once the camper is upright again. That should happen for me this weekend. It’ll certainly feel closer to done. Here’s hoping that’s the case!

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