Reply To: Building the hopitat


Like several others, I mounted my vent hatch bezel early. I had sanded the top and one side already. You can see the near side isn’t sanded yet.

I cut the hole small, but it still barely fit without falling in. Yesterday I re-drilled sealed stitch holes and wired them to hold in place, added a bead of thickened epoxy except at wires, and tightened them from inside (last time crawling I hope!).  This morning I sanded some rough epoxy drops, eased the edges of the bezel, fine sanded, filleted, and fiberglassed. Piece of cake compared to fiberglassing top of shell. Used spreader, no darts needed.

Behind the TD you can see galley pieces always ready to use up extra epoxy. I sanded a few pieces after epoxy, and I only plan on one coat of epoxy and two of varnish. It isn’t exposed much and of all the TD parts this is the easiest to take off  and refurbish if need be.


Pinking shears,  pinking shears, my kingdom for pinking shears. I should have started with a sacrificial pair but kept forgetting to pick one up. I think it would have helped with stray fiberglass strands. Next up, more sanding on this big bass drum.


Hatch mounting