Reply To: Southern Maryland TD Build Log

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Finished the hinges… there is a lot of work in those.  Would be a good work ahead project to do as time permits earlier in the build.  A Dremel tool would be a good idea.  I used the bench sander quite a bit too.  I chucked up a small cylinder stone Dremel bit in the drill press and cranked it up to 3000 rpm and “machined” the hinge tabs to fit perfectly.  Each tab has a roughly 1/4″ radius where it joins the hinge that needs to be made square.  A file or rasp would do it but it would be easy to take off too much.

Sanded on the door sills and almost finished sanding the inside of the galley hatch.  Glued on the drip edge. Fitted the interior shelf, finish sanded the wood, applied first coat of epoxy to top side.  I’ll sand that and coat the underside tomorrow.  The fiddle rail turned out nice, did that about a week ago.  You could sand the radius but I used a 3/8 round over bit in the router which worked well, minimal sanding needed after that.

7 hours today.  I am on a week off work, so pushing forward every day!