Galley Flat Fit Issue


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    I’ve been stuck on page 87/88 of the camper build for a few months now and I’m hoping to get some advice. My galley flat, when measured, looks to be the appropriate width to fit. However the depth is in some places more than an inch too deep. When I try to fit the galley, it feels as though the flat is far too wide to fit, despite the measurements. I don’t feel confident enough to start trimming anything away.


    Did anyone else struggle with this, and if so, how did you get the galley flat to fit? Am I just not angling it in the right way to fit it in place?


    I had similar issues because I was stupid and unknowingly  switched sections 2 and 6 in the mold. It caused the width to be too narrow and the depth of the hatch to be too long. I had to trim the galley flat to fit on the sides, changing the and angle slightly where the quarter panel connects and then I trimmed about 2” off the back of the hatch. Then I found okoume online and repatterned the hatch edge pieces to fit. My quarter panels are bowed too far now so I will need to repattern those to fit as well. First I’m going to fit the floor on in order to get the angle correct on the transom and quarter panels.


    @hinterland I seem to remember having a similar problem but I don’t think it was quite an inch too big. I think I had to tip one side into the correct position and then lower the other and it was still a little too wide. I may have taken up to 1/8 inch off each side in some places. I’ll check my photos and notes to see if I remember any more.



    Thanks both. CLC said to just keep trimming until it fits, so I think I’m on the right track. Just didn’t want to overcut!

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