Our first two-week build-your-own CLC Teardrop Camper class is under way! Work began this morning and continues through next Saturday. You can watch the action live on our shopcam: http://www.clcboats.com/shopcam/shopcamlive.html
Applying epoxy to the dry fiber glass cloth on the shell scares me almost as much as cutting the doors and hatch. Screwing up at this point is a catastrophe. The video of John applying the epoxy is invaluable. Will it be archived?
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by restonthewind.
I have been following off and on on the live feed and your posts. Could you focus a video on the door issues that many of us are having. It would be interesting to see an up close view of the alignment and relax shape fixes. One out of the five should need some fine tuning!!!!!!
Are there any other issues that have come up in the class that can be posted in a bulletin or a video post.