Chocks & Leveling

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    With the weight of the teardrop being so low I worry a bit about using basic chocks to keep it in place. What is everyone using for chocks when you detach from the vehicle?

    Also how about leveling? Has anyone seen any stick on bubble levels that aren’t horrible looking? Most I have seen are bright white and stand out. There are a few bullseye levels at amazon that might look ok sitting where the tongue starts.

    What so you use to level one tire up on uneven ground? Has anyone added actual jack feet to their trailer to add stability and not rest on the tires alone?


    I’m far from an expert on these sort of things, but from my experience from a caravan, finding a small (inch and a half?) stick on level isnt a deal breaker looks wise. It may originally have come from ebay. Else keep a small level in your galley if you feel the need.

    My local hardware store keeps tire levels cheaply which you drive up onto to get the trailer level if need be.

    My preference is to use wind up lifts for the back of the camper frame to keep things level and feeling solid.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by caveprod.

    Just returning from 12 days in the teardrop to Glacier, Jasper and Banff. All our sites were fairly level. For checking front to back level (and adjusting with the trailer tongue jack) we just used our iPhones. Pretty handy level built right into it that shows levelness by degrees.


    I use two pairs of chocks fabricated from 2×4’s.  Both sides were beveled for a tight fit against the tires.

    A small torpedo level works well for leveling the camper.  It’s stowed away when not in use.  

    And I bolted on a pair of Atwood stabilizers onto the rear of my trailer.  These absolutely were necessary to prevent the camper’s aft off the ground.


    The first teardrop I built for my daughter was fron scratch and I bought a small bubble level and placed it on the galley floor. I welded two jacks to the rear of the frame that would just flip down when released and then a short steel bar would fit in to jack up them individually. The first thing that happened while taking it cross country to deliver it to Utah was the jacks would free themselves and drag on the highway luckily nothing bad happened and I secured them with a line to make sure they would stay in place. Next when using them in a very uneven place we ran into a second problem with trying to lower them before breaking camp. There was not enough room to insert the rod in the hole to lower it back as the bottom was too close. Now they are kind of tied up permanently. Now what she does is rotate the teardrop to level it port and starboard and finish up front and rear with the front wheel Jack, you will hit a level by rotating. As for blocks we always seem to find enough rocks in the North West.

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